5 Reasons To Hire A Newborn Photographer

  1. Taking good pictures is an art and having a professional photographer with a trained eye and the creativity to visualize a beautiful unique photo is worth the extra cost. 
  2. 2. If you're having your first baby, you may not realize how little time you're about to have. You're not going to have time to take quality pictures or maybe take any pictures at all. Making an appointment and knowing that time is coming is comforting and it allows you to concentrate on other things, like enjoying time with your new son or daughter, and that is priceless.  
  3. 2. If you're having your first baby, you may not realize how little time you're about to have. You're not going to have time to take quality pictures or maybe take any pictures at all. Making an appointment and knowing that time is coming is comforting and it allows you to concentrate on other things, like enjoying time with your new son or daughter, and that is priceless.  
  4. 4. To get the best posed newborn pictures it's best to have them done within 10 days of birth, and of course there are several considerations when handling a newborn baby, you can just flop them around and pose them how you want, it is important to be safe and have patience. Safety is especially an issue when doing pictures like this, it takes a special touch and some other photography tricks to accomplish this shot.  I am safety certified with APNPI.

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